Electrolux Commercial Washers and Dryers

The smart design of Electrolux.


Durable. Electrolux commercial washers are designed to run every day of the week for multiple shifts each day. They are built for 30,000 cycles of heavy loads. Each machine is manufactured to a high quality standard and is tested at the factory.

These machines are ideal for laundromats, nursing homes, hotels, athletic facilities, and anywhere where large capacities of laundry are being done.

Efficient. Electrolux washers list their modified energy factor and integrated water factor on their spec sheets. For dryers they list water evaporation rates per kwH. They do this as clear proof of how much water and electricity their machines save.

Washers feature automatic water savings that weighs the load and call for less water and chemicals when loads weigh less.

Hygienic. As certified by the Research Institute of Sweden, Electrolux commercial machines offer a log 6 reduction (99.9999%) reduction in viral infectivity. The program package is called Global Advanced Hygiene.

Washers and dryers come with built-in programs common to hotel, nursing home, and athletic facilities. Examples include “white sheets” or “terry towels”.